Swim Team Update

Swim practice (6/29) is happening today, but is optional due to the air quality and smoke.



Proud member of the Northern Virginia Swimming League (NVSL)

Swim Fast. Cheer Loud. Have Fun.

Swim Team, especially the Tidal Wave, is a one-of-a-kind summer experience that brings children and teens (and parents) of all ages together to have fun; improve skills, endurance, and confidence in the water; and enjoy the community of a great team sport.

Swimmers of all abilities are valued equally by coaches and teammates alike. Big teens encrouage little kids. High fives and cheers are plentiful on the pool deck across the ages. From the slowest rookie to the fastest swimmer. Everyone is an important part of the Mighty Tidal Wave. And because of that spirit, PRs are common place and every tenth of a second is celebrated!

So hop on in. There’s something special in our Virginia Hills water. Come be a part of the Tidal Wave swim family.

The Virginia Hills pool swim team, the Tidal Wave, is one of the oldest teams in the 102-team Northern Virginia Swimming League (NVSL).  Please visit the NVSL website for the latest league news, schedules, results, and standings.  Follow NVSL on Twitter and Instagram @swimNVSL.

Swim Team, especially the Tidal Wave, is a one-of-a-kind summer experience that brings children (and parents) of all ages together to have fun; improve skills, endurance, and confidence in the water; and enjoy each other’s company and the camaraderie of a great team sport.

In 2024, the Tidal Wave swim team registration is open to pool members age 4 to 18. There are no try-outs but for swimmers new to the team, ages 4-8, there will be a quick assessment to see if your child is a rookie or an 8U swimmer.

After-school practices begin the Tuesday after Memorial Day at the pool. Different times are set aside for each age group. Once school ends, practices switch to weekday mornings with condensed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings still offered for 12 & Under kids only in day camps or daycare.

Swim meets begin on Saturday mornings in mid-June, and run through July. There are competitive meets (A meets) on Saturday mornings and developmental meets (B meets) on Monday evenings.

Please review the information on the website and contact the Team Rep with any questions.

Remember, you must be a Virginia Hills Pool member to join the swim team.


Congratulations to our All-Stars! 💫

Congratulations to our individual swimmers who made All-Stars! Virginia Hill had a club record for number of swimmers qualify this year! Information about the livestream, official meet sheet, and details for spectators will be posted on the event later this week. 💫 BUTTERFLY Jonathan Brado (8U) Rafa Talavera (8U) James Balser (9-10) Logan Phillips (11-12) […]

NCAP Scholarship and Winter Swim

NCAP Scholarship NCAP Alexandria /J&M Swim is offering the Va Hills Tidal Wave team, 1 one year scholarship of $1,000 towards the cost of 2023-24 swim registration. To apply for this scholarship, you have to be a new registrant to NCAP or have not been a registrant for the past 3 years. This scholarship applies […]


Welcome Visiting Teams!

We are looking forward to hosting your team for an upcoming meet. Learn more about visiting our pool for meets, location information, and other helpful tips before you leave home.

Upcoming Meets

Check out the information for upcoming meets, including volunteer opportunities.