T-Shirt Design Contest

Calling all Artists and Creative Types!

Thanks to our wonderful marketing volunteer, Julie Upham, the t-shirts are free to registered swimmers and we plan to have extras to sell in case parents want one too.  We have two sponsors that will have their logos on the back of the shirt and have one more sponsor spot available. If you are interested in the final sponsor spot, please contact vahillspoolmarketing@gmail.com by June 11th to be included.

Please complete this google form so that we have an idea of sizes. https://forms.gle/VWLSYeCsfSpX3KNa9

Submit your design ideas (no more than two colors that will go on the front of a white t-shirt) by Thursday June 8th and the team will vote on their favorite design during Time Trials on Saturday June 10th.

Shirts will be distributed the week of July 4.